I Can Mold You Into a Bona Fide Internet Marketing Guru in Just 60 Days
You Will Also Learn EXACTLY Step by Step How to Position Yourself as the Preferred Go-To Guru in Your Sub-Niche in 60 Days
Ok, ok, I know what you are thinking.
You are crazy.
Because no one can become a guru in 60 days.
Really? Really?
What if I told you there was a dearth of internet marketing gurus right now, today, like there has never been before, and may never be again?
Still don’t believe me?
Ok, let me give you a history of internet marketing guru-ship.
But before I do, let me ask you this:
If I can convince you that there is indeed fewer active internet marketing gurus than there have been in the last decade… and there are MORE people looking for guru-level instruction – would you consider becoming a guru yourself?
Here’s the thing.
In the last 6 years, as I have built my business block by block, web page by web page, dollar by dollar, and learned frankly to do some things at higher levels than gurus do them…like consistent $5 per visitor value, $30 per subscriber value, consistently experiencing clients who buy multiple times and enroll in long term coaching programs…including paying $5000, $10,000, or much more for access to me….I have been quietly becoming an expert in my own right in 10 different areas of internet marketing.
I have also cracked the code to expert-level positioning – meaning the art of positioning yourself as a guru in a fast period of time.
And… I also know exactly what to do and how to do it to get people to BELIEVE you are the expert you are…
Now…you might be asking…well, I’m NOT an expert.
What if I could give you access to the EXACT same information I have, the exact same information stream, and show you EXACTLY how I get my new information each week, my exact source.
If you were to learn the exact same things I know, the exact same things the established gurus know..what would hold you back from simply being the guru?
You see, it’s no different in the offline world.
Think about this. A doctor for example. One doctor has been practicing for 40 years, an established guru and icon in the neighborhood. His business is flooded, waiting times are months…and he is cutting back his hours to go into semi-retirement (just like many of today’s internet marketing gurus, by the way, I’ll get back to that in a moment).
A new kid goes to medical school, gets the same license…in fact it could be argued that the new kid, 26 years old, right out of medical school…has MORE knowledge than the guru because he has been studying cutting edge new material for 8 years, while the old doctor has been overwhelmed with clients and waiting lists….and simply hasn’t kept up with the latest innovations. (By the way, this is EXACTLY what is happening with the gurus today – they are going into semi-retirement, notice when they launch a new product, it is generally either rehashed, re-editted, new headlines added reruns of their old material, or they pull together a bunch of up-and-coming experts in their niche and create a super-product that they may not even know what’s in it…and simply slap their name on it and it sells like gangbusters…only because of their name)
You see, 5 years ago, the gurus were alive and well. They cut their teeth in the business in the first 5 years of information marketing online…about 2000 – 2005. And they taught from experience – because they had actually done the work to build a business. Then they began training people who became millionaires online in 2005- 2010, and in doing so, cemented a nice residual and consulting income, in many cases getting a percentage of their students’ revenues. And the traveled a lot, selling their packages from the stage, making millions.
But almost without fail, one by one, once they were making several million per year selling from the stage, they got tired of the traveling. They became bored teaching the old techniques they used in 2000 – 2005 – many of which no longer work – and many decided to retire from the stage.
And they decided to build big offices and support staffs so they could sell…get this: recordings of their stage presentations. Their virtual assistants created fancy graphics and new words and used digital techniques to make everything look like new products.
By the way, I have been seeing this happening for several years now…in fact, personally I think that a combination of this happening, and something else at the same time…gurus telling people NOT to enter the internet marketing field because it’s too overcrowded (ever heard THAT before??)…made it super-easy for me to build a fulltime income online FAST in the internet marketing niche because the competition was going down at the same time more and more people were looking for an online solution.
So fast forward until today.
What cemented it for me was when one of these gurus did one of those super-launches…it was like a $5000 program – 12 months, 50 modules, tons of forum access, blah, blah, blah. It appeared it was training from the guru. But when you looked at the actual creators of the core was an expert in each of 50 different sub-niches online. No gurus. Hmmmm….
Why? Because gurus are retiring. They don’t want to create new material. In fact, they don’t KNOW the new material. Because what THEY know is how to run a highly profitable million-dollar business in…2002, 2003.
But let’s face it. A lot has changed in the last 7 years! There are new technologies, new ways of driving traffic, new ways of lead conversion…new ways of becoming a guru.
And these old, retiring gurus have been carefully guarded their old, fading ground by lying to you…by telling you NOT to enter the internet marketing niche because it is TOO CROWDED.
That is NOT the truth.
In fact, it is the most UNDER-CROWDED it has been in years. Gurus are dying, retiring, moving to islands….and no longer available to teach (which is what gurus do, right?)
And there are MANY sub-niches in internet marketing that have LOST their guru – and no-one has stepped in.
So…what does this mean for you?
It means that someone is going to step in and become a new guru in each of those sub-niches soon. And there is going to be a whole new slew of internet gurus that come up in the next few years.
Right now, those guru slots are wide open.
Wide-open for the taking.
So by now, you should be thinking, why not me?
And maybe you are thinking, well, here’s why not me:
1) I don’t really know the material that well
2) I don’t know how to “act” like a guru
3) I don’t know how to position myself as a guru – how do I get people to “see” me as a guru
4) I just don’t know what to do
Well, before we go any further, let me ask you this…if I could remove ALL those obstacles for you, would you like to become a guru?
Are you willing to do a little hard work to learn a new niche, learn to position yourself as a guru, and then simple…step into the shoes of dying and retiring gurus?
If not, then the rest of this report is not for you.
Because if you DON’T want to learn how to become a bonafide guru – and start charging guru-prices – then what I am going say is not going to be for you.
And frankly, if you are a lazy person who simply wants the world to hand them success on a silver platter, and you would rather have a stable 9-5 job during the day and watch TV at night…then what I am going to share is NOT for you.
Because what I am going to propose IS going to require some work. It is going to require you to LEARN some new things.
But let me ask you this…would it be worth dedicated learning and instruction, cutting back on TV, and a small investment…to become positioned as a guru in the next 60-90 days … and then grow your guru-business from there.
Imagine if in 12 months from now you had the following in place:
6 products in your product funnel for your niche:
book, mp3 program, CD home study course, membership program, coaching program, and high-level consulting
What if you also were teaching your new guru-methods on stage, getting paid for teaching, or selling your books and CDs from the stage like other gurus do?
What if you could amass a list of tens of thousands of people..simply because they want to learn from the new guru on the block?
Does that excite you?
If so, what I am getting ready to say is going to be amazing to you.
Because over the last 5 years, I have been quietly and silently developing guru-level knowledge and expertise in many core areas online, and have developed relationships with others who have been developing guru-level knowledge in the areas where I have not developed that level of expertise yet.
So I have created a combined 145 hours of guru-level instruction literally teaching you the exact knowledge you need to know to have MORE information to teach in internet marketing than any guru on earth actually knows. Let me repeat that….remember I told you the gurus were teaching from OLD experience…and are missing WHAT WORKS TODAY? I have created the training materials to propel you to guru-level knowledge in WHAT WORKS TODAY.
AND….I have combined that with exact, step by step instructions for how to USE that information to BECOME the preferred guru in your niche.
That’s right…not just the knowledge to be the smartest in your niche…but the know-how to implement all of that knowledge and start teaching others…and charging guru-level prices for that knowledge.
And…I have created product blueprints for each of the top 17 sub-niches in the internet marketing niche…so that you literally have to fill-in-the-blanks to create your own guru-level instruction. In fact, I have made it super-simple for you to literally COPY my knowledge in each of these sub-niches- so you can use MY outline, use MY information – and simply record new products – even possibly incorporating fresher information than I teach (I’ll show you an easy way to do that).
Additionally, I have created step – by – step sales letter blueprints and precise instructions for creating guru-level sales letters that convert… like a guru in today’s market.
In addition, as a guru, you will want to have a Platinum level coaching program, and a one-on-one high-level consulting program, with Platinum prices between $500 and $1000 per month, and one on one consulting at $500 to $1000 per hour…and I am going to reveal my own secret techniques for positioning yourself to charge those prices…and how to get clients to PAY those prices.
In my guru-training program, I am going to teach you EVERYTHING I have outlined above (over 145 hours of training).
I am going to GIVE you the exact knowledge to literally BE a guru.
Then give you the exact product outlines and sales letter outlines to copy my own guru-business.
And my exact coaching program and consulting guidelines and program templates so you can easily copy my coaching and consulting programs…and begin delivering coaching and consulting within just days of getting my training materials.
There will be no more guessing on what to do to not just become an internet marketing expert…but to become a bonafide guru.
In fact, you will be able to quickly position yourself as a guru in your marketing space online, and do it very quickly, once you have my proven tactics and secrets.
So why would you do this, Sean? Why not just keep this guru-business to yourself?
Here’s why:
There is a vacuum of multiple gurus right now.
My personal estimates are that there are 50 slots right now for bonafide experts in the internet marketing niches.
In fact, I know personally of about 8 sub-niches that are guru-less right now. Not just needing another guru. But guru-less. Meaning that the market will accept ANYONE who even looks like a guru (and has the knowledge to back it up, which I am going to give you in this training program). By the way – when you join my program, I will give you that list).
Back to me.
The thing is… I simply cannot be 50 gurus in one. Many niches have room for 3-4 gurus. I can only be one. So it is physically impossible for me to meet this market need on my own.
Not possible.
So why teach you?
Ok, let’s get the obvious out of the way.
You are going to pay me to do this for you.
I mean, really, if you went to doctors school you might invest what, $100k to learn a skill that could make you $250k, a million a year, or even more, right?
And if you went to law school it might also cost you $100k to be able to have a shot at $250k – $1 million or more…
And if you were to buy a McDonald’s franchise…you might actually invest $250k to own a business that might net you $250k per year… if you work 80 hours per week.
So the way I look at it…it would be 100% fair for me to command a $100k investment to practically give you the exact template for a multi-million dollar guru-business.
And certainly, it would be more than fair for me to command a $50k fee.
In fact, I have personally sold many consulting packages in the $50k – $100k range.
Wouldn’t you agree, $100k would be a fair investment for a business that could earn you between $250k and over $1 million per year, year after year, as a guru, right?
I do too.
But I also realize that frankly that level of investment would be out of reach for many people – and like I said, I believe there is a vacuum of about 50 gurus in the market today.
So I won’t be asking $100k…or anything close to that. So relax, you can still get in 🙂
Now, the second reason why I am willing to teach this information.
This is the caring part of me.
You see, I am by nature a selfish person. I want to earn as much revenue as possible. So that is one reason why I have personally become an expert in about 8 niche areas online. And forged relationships with others who have expert level knowledge in about 10-12 other niches online. Because I want to maximize my income, and my status online.
But let’s face it. I am only one person. I cannot physically be 50 people at once. Not physically possible. Not for Einstein, my dog, or for you. Or for me.
I can only be one person at one time.
So… I have an ethical choice…either be one of the 50 gurus who are in desperate need of existing, and hoard the knowledge from 49 other people.
Or I can be the giving, loving, caring person I wish I was more of.
And share my knowledge with 49 other people.
And teach them everything I know about being the preferred guru in their niche.
And that brings me to this point.
Where I have literally packaged up my knowledge, and am willing to literally give it to you on a silver platter.
Now, I want to be blunt and upfront with you.
This is NOT for everyone.
Because you can’t become a guru in an hour a day.
You will need to learn the skills for your sub-niche. That will require some time…possibly an hour a day for 3 months.
Are you willing to do that to become a guru online?
You will need to actually create the products.
I will give you the exact templates, teach you exactly what to include in each product, even what to teach in each product…but you will have to actually do the work to create the product.
Are you willing to create the products do become a guru?
And you will need to learn to sell, write sales letters (or pay someone else to do it), and deliver a coaching program.
I will give you the exact templates for doing each of those steps…but you will have to actually do it…deliver the coaching.
Are you willing to do it?
Are you willing to become a guru and earn a guru’s income…and do the initial work of a guru?
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I will also teach you how to outsource the work you do in your business. In fact, in my own business, I outsource an estimated 90-95% of my business. So not only can it be done…I do it day in, day out. And I will teach you to do outsource as well.
But there is no getting around the fact that if you are the guru…you have to KNOW the niche…and you simply cannot outsource that!
So, are you willing to become an internet marketing guru?
Like I said, I believe there is room for 50 additional gurus in the internet marketing space today. And you are one step away from becoming empowered to become one of those gurus nearly immediately.
So let’s sum it up:
You are going to get:
Product blueprints for each of the top 17 sub-niches in the internet marketing niche…so that you literally have to fill-in-the-blanks to create your own guru-level instruction. In fact, I have made it super-simple for you to literally COPY my knowledge in each of these sub-niches- so you can use MY outline, use MY information – and simply record new products – even possibly incorporating fresher information than I teach (I’ll show you an easy way to do that).
Additionally, I have created step – by – step sales letter blueprints and precise instructions for creating guru-level sales letters that convert… like a guru in today’s market.
In addition, as a guru, you will want to have a Platinum level coaching program, and a one-on-one high-level consulting program, with Platinum prices between $500 and $1000 per month, and one on one consulting at $500 to $1000 per hour…and I am going to reveal my own secret techniques for positioning yourself to charge those prices…and how to get clients to PAY those prices.
In my guru-training program, I am going to teach you EVERYTHING I have outlined above (over 145 hours of training).
I am going to GIVE you the exact knowledge to literally BE a guru.
Then give you the exact product outlines and sales letter outlines to copy my own guru-business.
And my exact coaching program and consulting guidelines and program templates so you can easily copy my coaching and consulting programs…and begin delivering coaching and consulting within just days of getting my training materials.
There will be no more guessing on what to do to not just become an internet marketing expert…but to become a bona-fide guru.
$5,000 $1,000 One-Time or FREE!
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So are you ready to get started with your own Guru-Business?
If so…the only thing left to discuss is the investment.
And it’s not cheap.
Like we discussed earlier, I could literally sell franchises of this information for $100k and it would be a bargain.
You see, it’s taken me 5 years and countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars in investment to learn everything I know to run a guru-level business that generates around a quarter of a million each year.
You are going to have all the tools to do it in months.
In fact, you can position yourself as an expert the first month, launch your first product your second month, launch your second product the third month, and literally position yourself as a guru by the fourth month.
I know you can do it. Of course, if you don’t do the work – it won’t happen. If you don’t create a few products and get people talking about them – no one is going to accept you as a guru. But I am going to teach you how.
All you have to do is do it.
And I’ll make it easy for you, and I’ll be available to you if you need help with anything.
So…are you ready to take the plunge, position yourself as a guru in the next few months?
Ok, let’s talk about the money.
The real-world value of this course is easily $100k.
However, I want to make this a no-brainer for you, so I am going to do 2 things for you –
1) I am going to discount this 90% – to make it only $10,000 for you.
PLUS 2) I am going to allow you to get started with just a $2000 downpayment – and you pay the remaining $8000 out of your income from your own guru-business.
That’s puts the onus on me to teach you how to do it. Because if you don’t make the money – I don’t get paid. That’s right – you ONLY pay the $8000 balance AFTER you have made your first $100,000 in your own guru business.
That’s right – you make one $2000 down payment today, I give you ALL the materials – AND complete access to me for one year – and you don’t pay the $8000 balance until you have generated $100k in your guru business. Plus, it’s all on your honor. I won’t pester you, send you bills – anything like that. I’ll simply trust you to pay me the balance once you have made the money.
And let’s face it – if you made $100k in the next year online, it would be worth it to write me a check for $8000, right?
In fact, you’d probably want to hire me for another year to help you get to $200k the next year, right?
Ok, so you are ready to get started, right?
There’s one more thing.
So…if you want to build your own guru-business in the next few months…go ahead and make your $2000 down payment now, you don’t owe me the balance until you make your first $100k online, deal?
$5,000 $1,000 One-Time or FREE!
Free Access for TIBA Platinum Coaching Students
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By the way, right now perhaps you are thinking, do I really want to be positioned as a guru online? Do I really want Sean to make it so easy for me by showing me every step of the way – making himself available to me for unlimited access for one year, and giving me 145 hours of guru-level training?
I know that sounds crazy when you read it – but if you are thinking that right now, let me ask you this – how would your life change if you made $100k online this year?
Look, I know you might already make more than that offline – but the truth of the matter is, you have to go to work to make that money come in.
What if you had the time freedom I do, to travel when you want to, to spend more time with your children, would it be worth $2000 up front to put that in place?
How would your life change if you were making $100k a year online right now?
It would be great, wouldn’t it?
Let’s make that a reality for you … go ahead and make your $2000 payment now, don’t pay me the $8000 balance until AFTER you make $100k – it just doesn’t get better than this!
By the way – you should know this – just because you buy my program doesn’t mean you are going to make $100k this year. You could make $50k. Or you could do nothing, just like a lot of people do, they tell their wife they are going to work hard and make this money – but then they find themselves online surfing and reading emails, – and the money just doesn’t come. And look, if that’s you – don’t buy my program. It’s not for you. I’m serious, if you are lazy and aren’t going to do the work – don’t buy my program. Because it doesn’t work for people like you.
$5,000 $1,000 One-Time or FREE!
Free Access for TIBA Platinum Coaching Students
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