Product creation. The term itself sounds scary. And I guess rightly so. I have seen $47 ebooks with less information than in my free ebooks or my $9.77 version. So for some, product creation is a nightmare.
But product creation does not need to be scary or a nightmare. With the right guidance, product creation should be a breeze. Now, I certainly will not be able to give you everything you need to know about product creation in the next 300 words. But I do believe I can take the fear out of product creation.
Start here. Decide what you want to create. What is your niche market? Who is your customer? What product do they need more than anything else? What information do they need that no one else has systematically organized?
Once you know what information is needed, you can determine the medium of distribution. Is it conducive to writing a book? Or would it be easier to talk about it (create a CD)? Or is it something that needs to be shown hands-on (DVD or video)?
Follow these steps to product creation:
1) Create an outline of everything you need to share to give the customer all the information they need.
2) Divide your main topics into subtopics–for example if you created 10 topics in 1) above, then create 5 ideas for each topic. Now you have 50 ideas. These topics will be your chapters and the ideas will be sub chapters. If you are creating video or CD, the topics will be individual files or video clips and the ideas will be each of the items you cover in the CD, video, or DVD.
3) Begin to write or record. If you are writing a book, simply choose to write for one hour a day. Just write one idea at a time and do not become too concerned with how well the ideas flow together. If you are doing a CD, video, or DVD, you will need to make good notes first (it is best not to write the entire script out or it will sound stiff when you read it) and then take one hour a day to record. The first few hours of your recording will probably sound pretty bad. That is OK. Simply listen to it (or watch it) and make the necessary adjustments the next day.
4) Once you have all the parts written or recorded, edit and/or proofread them.
5) Create a nice package for your products, create a web page and sales page, and begin selling your new product creation.